Bangkok Hospital Ratchasima

Urology Clinic

We provide diagnosis and treatment for urological conditions by specialized urologists using advanced medical technology and high-standard equipment to ensure maximum safety for patients. The conditions treated include:

  1. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate) and prostatitis
  2. Prostate cancer
  3. Stones: bladder stones, kidney stones, and ureteral stones
  4. Urinary tract obstruction
  5. Bladder cancer
  6. Kidney cancer
  7. Bladder abnormalities
  8. Urinary control disorders such as incontinence or urinary retention
  9. Neurological disorders affecting the urinary tract, such as spinal cord disease
  10. Congenital urological and reproductive disorders
  11. Male sexual dysfunction
  12. Injury to the male reproductive organs

Our services include :

  • Diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases using special X-rays and endoscopic examinations
  • Treatment of urinary tract infections, including urethritis in men, cystitis in women, and hematuria (blood in urine)
  • Management of congenital abnormalities related to the urinary and reproductive systems
  • Non-surgical stone removal or treatment with shock waves (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy, ESWL)
  • Surgical stone removal through open surgery or minimally invasive endoscopic techniques
  • Prostate surgery using endoscopic or steam techniques
  • Chemotherapy for conditions such as bladder cancer
  • Male sterilization, reversal of sterilization, and correction of male reproductive abnormalities
  • Removal of foreign objects from the male reproductive organs
  • Expert consultations on urological conditions

Medical Technology

Bangkok Hospital Ratchasima has adopted modern medical technology, specifically Laparoscopic Surgery, to enhance the efficiency and precision of surgical procedures. This includes minimally invasive surgery for conditions such as abdominal stones. In addition to increasing surgical efficiency, patients benefit from a shorter recovery period due to smaller incisions, leading to faster recovery from the illness.

Contact Information

Tel. 044-015-999 or 1719

Surgery Department, Service Hour Monday – Sunday 08.00-20.00hours

Surgery Department 2nd floor, Bangkok Hospital Ratchasima.
