Bangkok Hospital Ratchasima

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

     Sleep disorders, such as snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, negatively impact both physical and mental health, affecting hormone levels, weight, concentration, and memory. Identifying the causes and treating the symptoms accurately is essential for maintaining a good quality of life.

     Obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment have advanced, with devices like CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) and BiPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure) available to prevent airway obstruction. These treatments are under the care of specialized doctors who provide guidance and refer patients to sleep labs for polysomnography (sleep studies) to assess the severity of the condition and provide continuous care.

Contact Informaiton

Tel. 044-015-999 ext. 3211 Internal Medicine Clinic

Service hours, Everyday 07.00-20.00hours

Internal Medicine Clinic, 2nd floor, Bangkok Hospital Ratchasima
