Bangkok Hospital Ratchasima

Men’s Health Clinics

Nowadays, 1 in 5 Thai citizens suffer from mental distress and do not know who to rely on. Do you know any of these individuals?

  • Those suffering from depression, anxiety disorders, or bipolar disorder.

  • Those trying to solve life problems with alcohol or substance abuse.

  • Those needing encouragement to fight physical illnesses.

  • Those starting to doubt their self-worth and searching for happiness and success in life.

  • Those facing life’s disappointments, stress, or ending relationships.

     The Mental Health clinic aims to provide balanced care for both physical and mental health. This includes psychiatric patients with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or suicidal thoughts, and those seeking to quit alcohol or substance abuse. The care extends to those with physical health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, or cancer, who are at risk of depression or have behaviors that hinder physical treatment, such as drinking alcohol or smoking. Both patients and caregivers need to receive mental health care alongside physical health care.

Contact Information

Tel. 044-015-999, 1719

Neuroscience Center working hours

Monday – Friday 08.00-19.00 hours

Saturday – Sunday 08.00-17.00 hours

Neuroscience Center, 4th floor, Bangkok Hospital Ratchasima.
