Endocrine disorders are conditions that affect the various organs in the endocrine system, which are distributed throughout the body. The endocrine glands secrete hormones into the bloodstream to regulate bodily functions such as energy metabolism, heart rate, tissue and bone growth, and reproduction. Disorders of the endocrine system, which can arise from hormonal imbalances or lesions, can lead to a range of diseases, including diabetes, thyroid disorders, osteoporosis, and obesity.
The endocrinology clinic provides comprehensive care for patients with diabetes, thyroid disorders, obesity, and other endocrine issues. This is achieved through a multidisciplinary team of specialized doctors, nutritionists, physical therapists, pharmacists, and specialists from other specialties such as ophthalmologists, dentists, nephrologists, etc. Moreover, specialized nurses have been trained to provide patients with comprehensive and continuous cares. Patients can return to their normal well-being. The scopes of services include;
Contact Informaiton
Tel. 044-015-999 ext. 3211 Internal Medicine Clinic
Service hours, Everyday 07.00-20.00hours
Internal Medicine Clinic, 2nd floor, Bangkok Hospital Ratchasima