Bangkok Hospital Ratchasima

New Innovation of “Bi-Plane DSA”

Non-surgical stroke treatment.

The Bi-plane DSA (Biplane Digital Subtraction Angiography) is an advanced X-ray machine used for diagnosing and treating vascular diseases. It is specifically utilized for conditions affecting the brain, liver, and the blood vessels in the arms, legs, and throughout the body. This technology provides a non-surgical treatment option for various diseases, known as interventional radiology.

Advantages of Bi-Plane DSA

  • Generates bi-plane images (front and side) simultaneously.

  • Yields high resolution and quality images clearly showing the small catheter.

  • Provides realistic, 3D images, allowing clear visualization of vascular pathology in various areas.

  • Reduces the risk and potential side effects of the procedure by administering contrast dye only once, thereby minimizing patient exposure to radiation and contrast dye.

  • Physicians can efficiently and swiftly diagnose diseases, particularly those requiring timely diagnosis, such as brain and heart vascular diseases.

  • Strengthen confidence in diagnostic and treatment outcomes and enhance the effectiveness of medical care

Contact Information

Tel. 044-015-999, 1719

Neuroscience Center working hours

Monday – Friday 08.00-19.00 hours

Saturday – Sunday 08.00-17.00 hours

Neuroscience Center, 4th floor, Bangkok Hospital Ratchasima.
